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My weekly Very Shorts, as well as the month's Short Story will be posted here for easy access. Check each section under the "Stories" tab to see previous weeks' and months' work!


Chosm was sunny that day, one of the rare few that come… well, ever. Viv and I stayed on the ground, since we didn’t look like we had exoskeletons, and Drones seeing our faces may have ended badly for everyone involved. Besides, why would cops worry about two little girls? Unless, of course, they knew just who those little girls were. Image: Perfect Imperfection by João Antunes Jr.


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Hello all!

Wow, it's been quite awhile since my last update. I think that deserves some explanation, and I also want to let you all in on my plan moving forward. I hope that you have all been having a fantastic spring, and that your summer weather is nice and warm.

Writing Excuses

Around February, my schooling started picking up drastically. I'm a History undergrad, so my workload isn't filled with tests, it's filled with essays. My midterms all came at the same time, and I was stretched thin among getting all of those done that I fell off on my writing. My semester just ended a day ago, and now I have built up a good wake-up schedule that I'm going to add writing to. I really apologize for not being able to keep up with everything going on, and just going radio silent for seemingly no reason. If things happen in the Fall semester that make it hard for me to continue, I'll still at least try to give the weekly shorts, as those are mostly done very quickly.

Summer Goals

This summer, I mainly want to build good writing habits that I will (hopefully) carry over into my next semester. I'm going to be bringing back weekly stories (1-2), and a monthly short story for you all, while getting work on my book done. The book also suffered from my hiatus, and it hasn't had any forward movement.

In a video by Brandon Sanderson, he discussed different strategies to stay consistent in writing. One of the pieces of advice he brought up was one he heard from a teacher friend, where they would storyboard throughout the whole school year, then crank out a book in the summer. While I'm not sure my output is enough to finish an entire book by the end of summer, I want to get a good portion of it done (half?). These monthly updates will be the way that I keep you all informed, so stay tuned for those!

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